Pan-Art Pedagogy. Theory & Practice Philology. Theory & Practice Manuscript

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ISSUE:    Pedagogy. Theory & Practice. 2023. Volume 8. Issue 5
COLLECTION:    Foreign Language Teaching

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Linguodidactic problems of Chinese grammar teaching at a language university and possible ways to solve them

Kristina Eduardovna Dubrovskaia
Moscow City University

Submitted: May 19, 2023
Abstract. The aim of the study is to substantiate the need to improve the organisation of the educational process of Chinese grammar teaching at language universities. The paper sheds light on a number of linguistic and methodological problems in the practice of Chinese grammar teaching. The necessity of relying on the typological features of the Chinese language and the achievements of world Sinology and language theory in the teaching process is emphasised. The scientific novelty of the study lies in revising the approaches to Chinese grammar teaching currently predominant in Sinology circles, in determining the prospects for a further development of the methodology of Chinese grammar teaching in accordance with the principles of the predication concept of language that are focused on taking into account the typological features of the Chinese language, based on the assertion that a typical Chinese speaker in a typical situation, depending on the genre and style, will choose the typical “topic – comment” structure of a statement. As a result of the study, based on the analysis and survey of language university students, conclusions are drawn about the need to improve the process of Chinese grammar teaching, possible directions of such improvement are indicated.
Key words and phrases:
обучение китайскому языку в языковом вузе
методика преподавания грамматики китайского языка
типологические особенности китайского языка
предикационная концепция языка
топико-ориентированная лингвистика
Chinese language teaching at a language university
methodology of Chinese grammar teaching
typological features of the Chinese language
predication concept of language
topic-prominent linguistics
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