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Psycholinguistic aspect of teaching foreign language written speech in higher education
Elena Vladimirovna Litvinenko
Kazan Federal University
May 21, 2024
The aim of the study is a theoretical understanding of the process of generating foreign language written speech from the standpoint of a psycholinguistic approach to optimize the content of teaching writing in a foreign language in training students of both linguistic and non-linguistic specialties. The article theoretically examines the opinions of domestic and foreign scientists regarding the basic models of generating foreign language written speech, and also identifies psychological components such as self-regulation, motivation to learn a language, autonomy, attitude towards learning a language, anxiety, self-efficacy and willingness to communicate in a foreign language, ensuring success in the process of teaching writing in a foreign language. The scientific novelty of the study lies in identifying the basic provisions of the written speech generation process necessary to solve the problems associated with organizing the process of teaching foreign language written speech in higher education. As a result of the study, it was found that the success of generating a written text depends not only on the knowledge of the quantitative and qualitative levels of its structuring, but also on the focus of the learners’ personality and their individual differences.
Key words and phrases:
иноязычная письменная речь
порождение речи
обучение письму на иностранном языке
психологический компонент
индивидуальные различия
foreign language written speech
speech generation
instruction for writing in a foreign language
psychological component
individual differences
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