Pan-Art Pedagogy. Theory & Practice Philology. Theory & Practice Manuscript

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ISSUE:    Philology. Theory & Practice. 2008. Issue 1-1

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I. O. Borovskaya
Bryansk State University

Submitted: June 9, 2008
Abstract. The article is devoted to studying the ways of the realization of the concepts of time and space in the language of F. I. Tyutchev's poetry. Special attention in the article is given to the analysis of the language means used for the creation of the model of art space. Thus the functional potential of verbal symbols of time is revealed. In this research the character of lexical units with time correlation is determined. The author of the article creates her conception on the basis of the works of leading Russian philologists. All the positions are illustrated by the examples from F. I. Tyutchev's poems.
Key words and phrases:
концепт времени
концепт пространства
Ф. И. Тютчев
анализ языковых средств
модель художественного пространства
лексика с временной соотнесенностью
concept of time
concept of space
F. I. Tyutchev
analysis of language means
model of art space
lexical units with time correlation
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