Pan-Art Pedagogy. Theory & Practice Philology. Theory & Practice Manuscript

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ISSUE:    Philology. Theory & Practice. 2013. Issue 1

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Irina Nikolaevna Remkhe
Magnitogorsk State University

Submitted: December 17, 2012
Abstract. The author considers the question of cognitive essence at the stage of text understanding by an interpreter from the perspective of framing semantics, cognitive linguistics and cognitive translatology, conducts the analysis of the existing conceptions, revealing the features of the accumulation, activation and processing of knowledge by an interpreter, and pays special attention to the revelation of framing component principle at the stage of understanding, its heuristic and integrative essence.
Key words and phrases:
когнитивная транслатология
репрезентация знаний
cognitive translatology
knowledge representation
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