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Irina Ivanovna Skachkova
Russian Academy of National Economy and State Service (Branch in Volgograd)
January 8, 2013
In modern world the majority of states are multinational. In such states, the problem of selecting the state (official) language is central in many debates. Therefore, at present there is a large number of scientific researches devoted to the process of selecting the state (official) language in a multicultural state. The author analyzes the researches of such kinds, and also considers the various models of the solution to this problem, as well as the criteria that allow facilitating the selection of state (official) language.
Key words and phrases:
миноритарные языки
этнические сообщества
официальный язык
языковая политика
minority languages
ethnic communities
official language
language policy
the whole article in PDF format. Free PDF-files viewer can be downloaded here.
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