Pan-Art Pedagogy. Theory & Practice Philology. Theory & Practice Manuscript

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ISSUE:    Philology. Theory & Practice. 2013. Issue 3-1

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Larisa Vladimirovna Kul'gavova
Irkutsk State Linguistic University

Submitted: February 2, 2013
Abstract. The author presents the generalized results of observations upon the prototypical meaning of words in its dynamics, ascertains the dependence of prototypical meaning on ethnocultural space, states that the prototypical multi-focus nature can develop in a polysemantic word, and covers some issues of subjective categorization in the individual picture of the world.
Key words and phrases:
прототипическое значение
прототипическая многофокусность
этнокультурное пространство
индивидуальная картина мира
индивидуальные (субъективные) толкования
смысловая амбивалентность
prototypical meaning
prototypical multi-focus nature
ethnocultural space
individual picture of the world
individual (subjective) interpretations
shifting character
semantic ambivalence
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