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Elena Ivanovna Romanova
Dnepropetrovsk National University named after O. Gonchar
February 2, 2013
The author suggests a new perspective on the explanation of mysterious denouement of love collision in A. S. Pushkin’s novel “Eugene Onegin”, and supposes that implicit in the “novel in verse” genre ambivalence allows to consider love collisions not only in realistic (novel), but also in romantic (verse) poetics. Rejecting the love to Onegin (but I’ve become another’s wife // and I’ll be true to him, for life), Tat'yana remains true not only and not so much to her husband-General as to the other - Onegin from her previous romantic dreams and reveries.
Key words and phrases:
роман в стихах
романтический код
реалистический код
элегический дискурс
романный дискурс
novel in verse
romantic code
realistic code
minus device
elegiac discourse
novelistic discourse
the whole article in PDF format. Free PDF-files viewer can be downloaded here.
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