Pan-Art Pedagogy. Theory & Practice Philology. Theory & Practice Manuscript

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ISSUE:    Philology. Theory & Practice. 2013. Issue 4-2

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Ekaterina Aleksandrovna Ogienko
Donets Basins State Pedagogical University, Ukraine

Submitted: March 20, 2013
Abstract. The author considers the problem of sentence actual division (SAD) phenomenon in linguo-historiographic aspect, traces SAD formation within the limits of the Prague Linguistic Circle, taking into account actualism method and five modern approaches to SAD phenomenon qualification, in addition considers this school followers’ conceptions, and comes to the conclusion that these works contain the key positions of SAD theory and are the basis for practically all the researches in the sphere of functional syntax.
Key words and phrases:
актуальное членение предложения
коммуникативный динамизм (КД)
степень КД
актуально-синтаксический тип
sentence actual division
communicative dynamism (CD)
CD degree
actual-syntactic type
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