Pan-Art Pedagogy. Theory & Practice Philology. Theory & Practice Manuscript

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ISSUE:    Philology. Theory & Practice. 2013. Issue 6-2

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Leilya Iliyasovna Otarova
Pyatigorsk State Linguistic University

Submitted: May 20, 2013
Abstract. The author researches the concept “conscience”, i.e. the unit of social-cultural meaning, for which it is necessary to determine the means of its linguistic representation and its correlation in the phenomena of life, describes the history of the word and concept conscientia (“conscience”) from Christian antiquity till the present days, pays special attention to the German word Gewissen in history and its variations in German philosophy, defines “conscience” as the general concept of Christian Europe, and compares it with language expression “the situation of conscience” in the Karachai-Balkar language.
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