Pan-Art Pedagogy. Theory & Practice Philology. Theory & Practice Manuscript

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ISSUE:    Philology. Theory & Practice. 2013. Issue 8-1

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Galina Anatol'evna Miroshnichenko
Peoples’ Friendship University of Russia

Submitted: July 10, 2013
Abstract. The author reveals new tendencies in the functioning of gender advertising, the reasons of changing the traditional image of women, the mechanisms of the creation and successful promotion of new advertising images, and pays special attention to the specificity of advertising discourse, which allows analyzing the stereotypical images in the perception of women suggested by advertising, commenting on the effectiveness of their integration into the mass consciousness of society.
Key words and phrases:
гендерная реклама
рекламная концепция
рекламные образы
рекламный дискурс
рекламное послание
рекламное сообщение
рекламный стереотип
gender advertising
advertising conception
advertising images
advertising discourse
advertising message
advertising announcement
advertising stereotype
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  1. Кафтанджиев Х. Образ женщины в рекламе. М.: РИП-холдинг, 2007. 232 с.
  2. Медведева Е. В. Рекламная коммуникация. М.: ЛКИ/URSS, 2007. 279 с.
  3. Мирошниченко Г. А. Женские гендерные стереотипы в современной российской рекламе. Lap Lambert Academic Publishing, 2013. 50 с.
  4. Vestergard T., Shroder K. The Language of Advertising. Oxford – N. Y., 1985. 310 р.
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