Pan-Art Pedagogy. Theory & Practice Philology. Theory & Practice Manuscript

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ISSUE:    Philology. Theory & Practice. 2013. Issue 12-1

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Zhanna Kimovna Gukh
Syktyvkar State University

Submitted: November 12, 2013
Abstract. Three models of thinking or prospects form the basis of nouns derivation: sein -model, werden -model and the tun -model. Objectivity as a state is represented in the first prospect, the objectivity as a process – in the second one and objectivity as an action character / active force – in the third one. The leaders among the products of derivation of these three groups are the derivatives with the suffix -er in the first case, the derivatives with the suffix -ung and substantivized infinitive in the second case, and the derivatives with the suffix -heit/-keit in the third case.
Key words and phrases:
глагольные и субстантивные модели мышления, или перспективы
словопроизводство существительных
предметность как состояние
предметность как процесс
предметность как действователь / активная сила
verbal and substantive models of thinking or prospects
derivation of nouns
objectivity as state
objectivity as process
objectivity as action character / active force
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