Pan-Art Pedagogy. Theory & Practice Philology. Theory & Practice Manuscript

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ISSUE:    Philology. Theory & Practice. 2013. Issue 12-1

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Ol'ga Sergeevna Shurupova
Lipetsk Branch of the Russian Presidential Academy of National Economy and Public Administration

Natal'ya Viktorovna Kireeva
Lipetsk Branch of the Russian Presidential Academy of National Economy and Public Administration

Submitted: November 12, 2013
Abstract. The article is devoted to the study of the image of the Thames, which plays an important role in the semantic organization of the London text of English literature, and which key words are lexemes (the) “Thames” and “river”. The analysis that suggests the conclusion about obscure, ominous atmosphere of this supertext is conducted by the material of the English writers of the XIX th-XX th centuries such as Ch. Dickens, J. Greenwood, J. K. Jerome.
Key words and phrases:
Лондонский текст английской литературы
образ Темзы
ключевое слово
London text of English literature
image of the Thames
key word
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  4. Dickens Ch. David Copperfield. Great Britain: Worsworth Classics, 2000. 750 p.
  5. Dickens Ch. Little Dorrit. Great Britain: Worsworth Classics, 2002. 801 p.
  6. Dickens Ch. Oliver Twist. Great Britain: Penguin Books, 1985. 490 p.
  7. Dickens Ch. Our Mutual Friend. Great Britain: Worsworth Classics, 2002. 794 p.
  8. Greenwood J. The True History of a Little Ragamuffin. N. Y.: Harper & Brothers Publishers, 1866. 138 p.
  9. Jerome J. K. Three Men in a Boat (to Say Nothing of the Dog). Новосибирск: Сиб. унив. изд-во, 2010. 160 р.
  10. Longman Dictionary of English Language and Culture. Third Edition. Great Britain: Pearson Education Limited, 2005. 1620 p.
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