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Aleksandra Vladimirovna Baidak
National Research Tomsk Polytechnic University
February 4, 2014
In the article the way of cognitive linguistics origin is observed; the review of foreign researchers-philosophers’ early works is given; the idea of language active influence on mental objective reality, the person’s world-view is analyzed; the basic moments are noted, according to which the positions of cognitive linguistics and N. Chomsky grammar are differentiated. As a result cognitive linguistics answer is suggested to the following question: if languages or aspects of natural languages are formal systems.
Key words and phrases:
когнитивная лингвистика
философия языка
теория лингвистической относительности
внутренняя форма языка
естественные языки
cognitive linguistics
language philosophy
theory of linguistic relativity
inner form of language
natural languages
the whole article in PDF format. Free PDF-files viewer can be downloaded here.
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