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Sergei Vladimirovich Sukhov
Moscow State Pedagogical University
February 4, 2014
The article considers in general terms the possible ways of forming verbal constructions with particle «себе» (“oneself”) in the historical development of the Russian language. It is shown that for verbs of various lexical-semantic groups these ways are different, which is resulted primarily from differences in the semantics of the initial combinations of these verbs with the word “oneself” as a form of the reflexive pronoun dative. It is assumed that the process of pronouns form transition into a particle had not been completed yet by the XVII
th century, although some features of a new verbal construction were designated clear enough. It is shown that the fragmentary evidence on constructions with the word “oneself” in the Old Russian literary monuments can be partly completed by the reference to the use of such structures in the Russian dialects and common language.
Key words and phrases:
частица «себе»
датив возвратного местоимения
переход местоимения в частицу
лексико-семантическая группа
particle “oneself”
reflexive pronoun dative
pronoun transition into particle
lexical-semantic group
the whole article in PDF format. Free PDF-files viewer can be downloaded here.
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