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Elena Evgen'evna Brazgovskaya
Perm State University of Humanities and Education
Yuliya Sergeevna Kholmanskikh
Perm State University of Humanities and Education
February 18, 2014
The article is devoted to the problems of the language representation of the metaphysical object “Nothing”. It is shown why the question of such abstractions existence moves into the spheres of semiotics, stylistics and poetics: abstraction occurs as an effect of the poet’s language games. By the material of D. Wilmot’s text “On Nothing” the methods and tools of “Nothing” visualization are presented: localization using deictic and predicate symbols, intertextual allusions, stylistic registers game, etc. The iconic image of abstraction (icon-scheme), by which the poet “supplements” metaphysics, allows getting relative access to the sphere of verbally inexpressible.
Key words and phrases:
абстрактный объект метафизики
языковые игры
abstract object of metaphysics
language games
the whole article in PDF format. Free PDF-files viewer can be downloaded here.
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