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Yuliya Nikolaevna Galatenko
National Research University «Higher School of Economics»
March 17, 2014
The article is devoted to the research of works by the Italian writer of the middle of the XX century Elsa Morante namely to the analysis of the novel “History” («La Storia», 1974) from the point of view of its genre characteristics, to the search of features of historical novel, relations to classical French and Russian novelistic traditions. The novel “History” narrates about the events of the Second World War through the description of private life of individual people demonstrating how the macrohistory affects microhistory of each person. The novel “History” is a chronicle novel supported by various evidences as well as life experience of the writer. The language and style of the novel also corresponds to the genre of chronicle absolutely. The main thesis: an art is the only way to defend from the violation of history and unreality of modern world.
Key words and phrases:
итальянская литература
Эльза Моранте
военная литература
Italian literature
Elsa Morante
military literature
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