Pan-Art Pedagogy. Theory & Practice Philology. Theory & Practice Manuscript

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ISSUE:    Philology. Theory & Practice. 2014. Issue 4-2

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Anna Vyacheslavovna Singaevskaya
Taras Shevchenko National University of Kyiv, Ukraine

Submitted: March 17, 2014
Abstract. The article is devoted to the questions of proper name semantics as part of a phraseological unit and the problem of correlation between national and international in onomastic phraseology. It is ascertained that the onomastic component of a phraseological unit retains semantic connections with the relevant onym in language and speech and thereby motivates the phraseological unit meaning. The semantic weight of a proper name in general phraseological meaning depends on the specifics of its onomastic level and the degree of phraseological unit idiomatic character. National and international signs of phraseological units are not necessarily conditioned by the nature of an onomastic component. Phraseological units with international anthroponyms proper names of Biblical and ancient origin may be different in national characteristics and the turns of speech with nationally coloured onyms, being imposed upon common to many languages ​​structural-semantic models, have international signs.
Key words and phrases:
фразеологическая единица
имя собственное
ономастический компонент
структурно-семантическая модель
phraseological unit
proper name
onomastic component
structural-semantic model
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