Pan-Art Pedagogy. Theory & Practice Philology. Theory & Practice Manuscript

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ISSUE:    Philology. Theory & Practice. 2014. Issue 5-2

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Shenne Yur'evna Kuzhuget
Tuvan State University

Submitted: April 18, 2014
Abstract. In the article the analysis of linguistic expressing means entering into the lexico-semantic field “natural time” in the prose of the folk writer of Tuva Kyzyl-Enik Kyrgysovich Kudazhy is given. The main lexical and grammar means of “natural time” expression which characterize the annual and diurnal cycles of time are revealed. The definition of the kernel and peripheral means of expressing time cycle in the writer’s prose that are identified with the time cyclic model is the result of this article.
Key words and phrases:
лексико-семантическое поле
природное время
темпоральные лексические единицы
суточный цикл
lexico-semantic field
natural time
temporal lexical units
diurnal cycle
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