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Marina Vadimovna Kononenko
Kazan Federal University
Gul'nara Irekovna Galeeva
Kazan Federal University
September 30, 2014
The purpose of this article is to identify the factors that determine the contemporary socio-cultural situation. The language is considered as the basis of the spiritual culture, as the means of mutual enrichment and self-identification of cultures. The emphasis is put on the fact that the language is a very live, constantly changing phenomenon. The language, as the culture on the whole, reflects all changes in the life of society, which leads to the appearance of neologisms and borrowings. The objects of the study are the factors affecting the language development, the mentality of peoples. The authors mainly emphasize the fact that the spiritual culture and language are inseparable, that there is no culture without language, because there is no communication, no understanding, no development. Language is the indicator of society culture, and the higher the culture is, the deeper and more expressive the language is.
Key words and phrases:
понятийность языка
духовная культура
взаимодействие культур
социокультурная ситуация
самоидентификация культур
nationality of language
spiritual culture
interaction of cultures
socio-cultural situation
self-identification of cultures
the whole article in PDF format. Free PDF-files viewer can be downloaded here.
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