Pan-Art Pedagogy. Theory & Practice Philology. Theory & Practice Manuscript

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ISSUE:    Philology. Theory & Practice. 2014. Issue 11-1

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Nadezhda Vladimirovna Prodanik
Omsk State Pedagogical University

Submitted: September 30, 2014
Abstract. The main purpose of this article is to consider the phenomenon of the book in Antiquity and the Russian poetry of the Golden Age in those literature periods when a female muse was the setter of poetic taste. Direction of attention toward the female audience led to the appearance of a small book, the process of reading became intimate and secret, and the book was the “wreath” of poems-“flowers” (Meleager) or “the monument of eternal glory” (Propertius). The poets of Pushkin’s circle, inheriting ancient traditions, revived the phenomenon of the book for a woman, and following Meleager called their poems as “flowers”. Feminine-centric nature of the Russian literature was one of the reasons for the appearance of the book anthology at the beginning of the XIX century.
Key words and phrases:
история античной лирики
русская лирика Золотого века
книга для женщины
книга - «памятник вечной красе»
метафора стихи-«цветы»
history of ancient lyrics
the Russian poetry of the Golden Age
book for woman
book as “monument of eternal glory”
metaphor poems-“flowers”
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