Pan-Art Pedagogy. Theory & Practice Philology. Theory & Practice Manuscript

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ISSUE:    Philology. Theory & Practice. 2014. Issue 12-1

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Elena Georgievna Brunova
Tyumen State University

Submitted: October 28, 2014
Abstract. The article determines the main features of parametric vocabulary in a content analysis of opinions by the material of clients’ reviews about the quality of banking service. An improved structure of the lexicon for the content analysis of opinions is suggested. The research results show that parametric vocabulary expresses the opinion implicitly. Some of the parametric vocabulary may be assigned to one of the main classes (positive or negative lexicon), and this classification is specific to the given subject sphere. Most of the parametric vocabulary refers to the auxiliary classes (increments or decrements), and this reference seems to be universal.
Key words and phrases:
обработка естественного языка
контент-анализ мнений
оценочный лексикон
предметная область
параметрическая лексика
natural language processing
content analysis of opinions
evaluative vocabulary
subject sphere
parametric vocabulary
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