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Anna Vladimirovna Titova
Ryazan State University named for S. A. Yesenin
November 19, 2014
In the article the author makes an attempt to systematize autobiographical and philosophical factors which influenced the creation of a poem “The Disabled Debauchee” by John Wilmot, 2nd Earl of Rochester. The connections of this work with the creativity of contemporary with the poet authors are also analyzed. In particular, a parallel between the analyzed poem and William Davenant’s “Gondibert” is drawn. The research is of interdisciplinary nature and it is written at the interfaces between philosophy and literature.
Key words and phrases:
эпоха Реставрации
Джон Рочестер
Уильям Давенант
Томас Гоббс
the Age of Restoration
John Rochester
William Davenant
Thomas Hobbes
the whole article in PDF format. Free PDF-files viewer can be downloaded here.
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- Critical Essays of the Seventeenth Century: 3 vol. / edited by J. E. Spinarn. Oxford: Clarendon Press, 1908. Vol. 2. 1650-1685. 362 p.
- Extract from Gondibert by Sir William Davenant [Электронный ресурс]. From Book I. Canto 6. URL: http://bartleby. com/337/493.html (дата обращения: 16.03.2014).
- John Wilmot, Earl of Rochester: сritical essays / ed. by D. M. Vieth. N. Y. - London: Garland Publishing, Inc., 1988. 340 p.
- Paulson R. Rochester: The Body Politic and the Body Private // The Author and His Work. London, 1978. P. 103-121.
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- Poems by John Wilmot, Earl of Rochester / edited by V. de Sola Pinto. London: Routledge & Kegan Paul, 1953. 247 p.
- literature; the Age of Restoration; libertinism; John Rochester; William Davenant; Thomas Hobbes.