Pan-Art Pedagogy. Theory & Practice Philology. Theory & Practice Manuscript

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ISSUE:    Philology. Theory & Practice. 2015. Issue 8-3

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Natal'ya Ivanovna Gerasimova
Rostov State Economic University

Submitted: June 20, 2015
Abstract. The article deals with the problem of interference by the material of the French prose by A. Makine. The cases of violation of the grammatical norm of a foreign language under the influence of grammatical structures of the native language defined by the author as the dominant language of thinking and translation are studied. The interaction of different worldviews and corresponding to them languages ​​in the consciousness of the bilingual leads to the assimilation of the contact languages ​​in the form of various deviations from the normative requirements of the language. The author concludes about the limited possibility of artistic creativity in a foreign language, which being unique and specific is not basically organic to the style of bilingual’s thinking in his/her native language.
Key words and phrases:
межъязыковая интерференция
доминантный язык
направленность перевода
языковое мышление
interlingual interference
dominant language
orientation of translation
linguistic thinking
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