Pan-Art Pedagogy. Theory & Practice Philology. Theory & Practice Manuscript

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ISSUE:    Philology. Theory & Practice. 2015. Issue 9-1

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Alena Viktorovna Zamyatina
Amur State University

Marina Vladimirovna Katynskaya
Amur State University

Submitted: September 1, 2015
Abstract. The article touches on the issues of realization of the techniques of verbal influence typical for the modern political discourse. The authors examine linguistic means and peculiarities of the political discourse to promote national interests by the example of the speeches of the Presidents of USA and Russia. The materials for the research are the texts of the speeches of the current heads of these states devoted to the theme of conflict in the Ukraine and its consequences. The researchers identify the basic universal and national values actualized by the political leaders with a view to justify the foreign and interior policy.
Key words and phrases:
политический дискурс
национальные интересы
общечеловеческие и общенациональные ценности
языковые средства воздействия
political discourse
national interests
universal and national values
linguistic means of influence
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