Pan-Art Pedagogy. Theory & Practice Philology. Theory & Practice Manuscript

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ISSUE:    Philology. Theory & Practice. 2015. Issue 12-1

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Marina Aleksandrovna Mishcherikova
Kuban State University

Submitted: November 30, 2015
Abstract. The article is a review of animalistic block of nominations of the British folk fairy tale. The analysis of the target material allows making conclusions about the picture of the world of the British people, and also revealing some principles of the formation of a folklore text. As a result of the study the author states that a fairy tale is characterized by a specific multilevel system of symbols, archetypical components and pro-mythological images, which in totality define the space of a fairy tale discourse.
Key words and phrases:
британская сказка
сказочный дискурс
система символов
анималистический компонент номинаций
a British fairy tale
a fairy tale discourse
the system of symbols
animalistic component of nominations
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