Pan-Art Pedagogy. Theory & Practice Philology. Theory & Practice Manuscript

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ISSUE:    Philology. Theory & Practice. 2015. Issue 12-3

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Elena Vladimirovna Tereshenok
Volgograd State Pedagogical University

Submitted: November 30, 2015
Abstract. The article is devoted to the complex analysis of artistic-compositional and verbal-speech means and methods of creating the image of rebel in the novel of the modern German writer Uwe Timm “Red”. On the basis of the research conducted by the author with the use of the method of thematic stratification of the text the most significant aspects of the creation of the image of the literary hero in this work as the portrait of the character and his verbal characteristic are identified.
Key words and phrases:
индивидуально-авторская картина мира
художественный образ
способы экспликации художественного образа
интродукция образа персонажа
портрет персонажа
речевая характеристика персонажа
описание поступков персонажа
категория авторского отношения
individual author's world view
artistic image
ways of the artistic image explication
introduction of the character image
portrait of the character
verbal characteristic of the character
description of the character’s actions
category of author’s attitude
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