Pan-Art Pedagogy. Theory & Practice Philology. Theory & Practice Manuscript

Archive of Scientific Articles

ISSUE:    Philology. Theory & Practice. 2016. Issue 1-2
COLLECTION:    Study of Literature

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Anzhelika Vladimirovna Shapurina
Ryazan State University named after S.A. Yesenin

Submitted: January 1, 2016
Abstract. The article examines the nature lyrics by the poets-contemporaries - F. I. Tyutchev and Ya. P. Polonsky. On the basis of the comparative analysis of the numerous poetic parallels and imagery allusions the author identifies the similarity of worldviews of the “older” and “younger” poets. The paper argues for the thesis that both poets perceived nature as a living being, appreciated its harmony, were conscious of imperfection of a human life in comparison with nature. The researcher discovers the religious foundations of F. I. Tyutchev’s and Ya. P. Polonsky’s artistic worldview.
Key words and phrases:
Ф. И. Тютчев
Я. П. Полонский
пейзажная лирика
лирический герой
поэтическое сознание
художественное мировоззрение
F. I. Tyutchev
Ya. P. Polonsky
landscape lyrics
lyrical hero
poetical consciousness
artistic worldview
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  2. Коковин А. Ф. А. А. Фет и Я. П. Полонский: биографические и творческие связи: дисс. … к. филол. н. Тверь, 2010. 211 с.
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  4. Татаренкова Л. В. Афанасий Фет и Аполлон Григорьев. Личностное и творческое взаимодействие: дисс. … к. филол. н. Курск, 2010. 202 с.
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