Pan-Art Pedagogy. Theory & Practice Philology. Theory & Practice Manuscript

Archive of Scientific Articles

ISSUE:    Philology. Theory & Practice. 2016. Issue 2-1
COLLECTION:    Study of Literature

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Galina Aleksandrovna Neverovich
Northern (Arctic) Federal University

Submitted: February 1, 2016
Abstract. The article examines the world of childhood, individual and author’s peculiarities of the literary chronotopos of childhood as an integral component of the formation of the picture of the world in the village prose are highlighted. For the analysis of the chronotopos of childhood the value characteristics of time and space opposition are defined, their literary specificity consisting in the motive of childhood (V. Astafyev), in the child’s fates (V. Belov), in the image of home, metaphorically absorbing in it all the dearest. (F. Abramov) is revealed.
Key words and phrases:
деревенская проза
хронотоп детства
оппозиции: свой - чужой, внешний - внутренний, замкнутость - разомкнутость
ценностные характеристики времени: цикличность, линейность и обратимость
village prose
chronotopos of childhood
oppositions: one’s own - another’s, external - internal, closedness - open condition
value characteristics of time: cyclic character, linearity, reversibility
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