License Agreement on scientific materials use.
Anna Evgen'evna Varnaeva
Smolensk State University
March 1, 2016
The article examines the correlation of the form of a message with its content in the semantic aspect. The author singles out three types of co-ordinating constructions: the number of equitable components equals the number of elements of multitude; their quantity doesn’t coincide; there is no question of their coincidence and noncoincidence. The latter happens on the reason of the presence of the plural form of a noun at least of one from the homogeneous parts; because of using cetera or tantum.
Key words and phrases:
предложения с сочинительными союзами
равноправные компоненты
элементы множества
семантический аспект
sentences with co-ordinating conjunctions
equal components
the elements of multitude
semantic aspect
the whole article in PDF format. Free PDF-files viewer can be downloaded here.
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