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Aida Ruslanovna Gasharova
Institute of Language, Literature and Art named after Gamzat Tsadasá of Dagestan Scientific Centre of the Russian Academy of Sciences
June 1, 2016
The article gives a brief analysis of the study and publication of the Lezgin folk songs about abrek Buba. Considerable attention is paid to the songs which are of interest as a reflection of the abrek way of life in folklore - a peculiar kind of mountaineers’ fight with the arbitrariness and oppression of the tsarist colonialists. On the basis of the analysis of lyrical works about the abrek, as well as the attraction of literary sources it is stated that Kiri Buba is a real historical person. He was forced to live under the laws of wild freedom, i.e., robbery and looting. Buba acted around the Caspian Sea coast in the early XX century. The author notes that the songs about the abrek are not rare in the Lezgin poetic tradition, they have their own poetic specificity. People sang of the abrek’s feats and daring raids. Along with the songs of this nature there are also songs in some villages that express a negative attitude to "the robber Buba". In this paper the author gives the generalizing characteristic of the songs of Kiri Buba.
Key words and phrases:
фольклор лезгин
жанровые разновидности
лирическая поэзия
удалые песни
Lezgin folklore
genre varieties
lyric poetry
daring songs
the abrek way of life
the whole article in PDF format. Free PDF-files viewer can be downloaded here.
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