License Agreement on scientific materials use.
Evgeniya Arkad'evna Elina
Saratov State Academy of Law
June 1, 2016
The article examines a relevant problem of the sign nature of the semiotic systems of different structure (verbal and iconic), provides a comparative analysis of the concept “sign” in the text and in the image, concludes on the impossibility to identify a discrete sign unit in the esthetic image (any image is a sign) contrary to the original discreteness and visibility of a verbal sign.
Key words and phrases:
вербальная знаковая система
иконическая знаковая система
знаковый уровень изображения и текста
дискретный знак
линейный знак
verbal sign system
iconic sign system
sign level of image and text
discrete sign
linear sign
the whole article in PDF format. Free PDF-files viewer can be downloaded here.
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