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Shanisat Magomedovna Gadzhilova
Tsadasy Institute of Language, Literature and Art of the Dagestan Scientific Center of the Russian Academy of Sciences
September 1, 2016
The article focuses on the personality of Abdulla Hadjj of Chokh and his collection “Khulasatu L-Mava’iz” which was previously unknown in the scientific circles. The collection “Khulasatu L-Mava’iz” puts together and systematizes the works of the Avarian pre-revolutionary scientists beginning from the period of Muhammad of Kudatli, an acknowledged founder of Avarian pre-revolutionary literature, till the beginning of the XX century. According to the author, the study of this collection which includes, among the others, the paper written by the compiler himself, contributes greatly into the Dagestan literary criticism. The article also considers the personality of Abdulla Hadjj of Chokh, his life experience and career which is little known nowadays; nevertheless he is one of the most prominent figures among the Avarian intellectuals of the mentioned period.
Key words and phrases:
дореволюционная литература
культурная ориентация
книжная культура
развитие ислама
светская интеллигенция
освободительная борьба
анализы и суждения
художественное сознание
pre-revolutionary literature
cultural orientation
book culture
Islam development
secular intellectuals
liberation movement
evaluations and judgments
artistic consciousness
the whole article in PDF format. Free PDF-files viewer can be downloaded here.
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