Pan-Art Pedagogy. Theory & Practice Philology. Theory & Practice Manuscript

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ISSUE:    Philology. Theory & Practice. 2016. Issue 11-1
COLLECTION:    Study of Literature

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Renata Rishatovna Goroshkova
Saint Petersburg University

Submitted: November 1, 2016
Abstract. The article provides phonetic-associative and etymological analysis of the names of two personages of the story by Ch. Dickens “A Christmas Carol in Prose”: Scrooge and Marley. The identified acoustic peculiarities and etymology of the mentioned names allows the author to clarify the semantics of personages’ names, being a means to understand deeply the images and lead to the important conclusions that the personages’ dual nature can manifest itself not only in the story development or figurative comparisons but also at the language level.
Key words and phrases:
имя персонажа
двойничество в литературе
рождественская литература
personage’s name
dual nature in literature
Christmas literature
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