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Svetlana Vladimirovna Tishchenko
Pyatigorsk State University
Elena Andreevna Pastukhova
LLC “SPSR-Express”
November 1, 2016
The article is devoted to the cognitive-semantic analysis of the stylistically marked speech units formed on the basis of path construction. The authors aim to discover the cognitive mechanisms determining the expressivity and figurativeness of the certain statements with path construction. The analysis indicated that stylistic effects typical for these statements are determined by the certain cognitive-semantic features of the components of path construction’s plane of content which, preserving spatial semantics, acquire the additional connotations in the abstract semantics sphere.
Key words and phrases:
конструкция пути
концептуальная метафора
концептуальная метонимия
стилистическая конвергенция
предикатно-аргументная структура
концептуальная структура
агенсный аргумент
результативный аргумент
пространственная семантика
абстрактная семантика
path construction
conceptual metaphor
conceptual metonymy
metaphoric nature
stylistic convergence
predicative-argumentative structure
conceptual structure
agent argument
resulting argument
spatial semantics
abstract semantics
the whole article in PDF format. Free PDF-files viewer can be downloaded here.
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