Pan-Art Pedagogy. Theory & Practice Philology. Theory & Practice Manuscript

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ISSUE:    Philology. Theory & Practice. 2016. Issue 11-3
COLLECTION:    Linguistics

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Dmitrii Igorevich Ivanov
Guangdong University of Foreign Studies; Ivanovo State University

Dmitrii Leonidovich Lakerbai
Ivanovo State University

Submitted: November 1, 2016
Abstract. In connection with processes taking place in modern linguo-oriented cognition pertaining to the humanities the article covers a meta-disciplinary theory of the “middle level”, which is synthesis of the semiotic, socio-cultural, and cognitive on the basis of linguo-culturology. According to semiotic ideas, the text can also be non-verbal that allows presenting a linguistic personality as a subject poly-semiotic unit in meta-discursive space of culture. The core of concrete discursive space is a synthetic linguistic personality, whose cognitive and pragmatic program determines specificity of its structure and evolution. Thus, the Russian rock-text and a synthetic language personality being realized in its space are a polysubtextual formation (synthetic text) being created on the basis of genetic fusion of verbal, musical, articulation and image components. Complex development of a particular model of a synthetic linguistic personality allows carrying out a systemic analysis of different discursive zones.
Key words and phrases:
дискурсивное пространство
синтетический текст
синтетическая языковая личность
когнитивно-прагматическая программа
логоцентрическая модель СЯЛ
discursive space
synthetic text
synthetic linguistic personality
cognitive and pragmatic programme
logocentric model of synthetic linguistic personality
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