Pan-Art Pedagogy. Theory & Practice Philology. Theory & Practice Manuscript

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ISSUE:    Philology. Theory & Practice. 2017. Issue 3-1
COLLECTION:    Linguistics

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Gul'nara Ramil'evna Ganieva
Nizhnekamsk Chemical-Technological Institute (Branch) of Kazan National Research Technological University

Rimma Salavatovna Garaeva
Nizhnekamsk Chemical-Technological Institute (Branch) of Kazan National Research Technological University

Liliya Rustamovna Slavina
Kazan Federal University - Naberezhnye Chelny Institute

Submitted: March 1, 2017
Abstract. The article studies socially marked slangisms in the English rap lyrics. The authors analyze 145 units of slang from the Internet resources containing dictionaries of youth slang, and also from the published dictionary of slang by J. Coleman. The paper singles out types of slangisms functions. The factual research material is structured in lexical-semantic fields. Particular attention is paid to a detailed analysis of slang units from the semantic field “money, well-being” as one of the many socially marked ones among slangisms in the English rap lyrics.
Key words and phrases:
лексико-семантическое поле
молодежный сленг
семантическая наполненность
lexical-semantic field
youth slang
semantic fullness
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