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Dmitrii Nikolaevich Shlepnev
Linguistics University of Nizhny Novgorod
October 1, 2017
The article postulates the necessity to identify such branch of translation studies as meta-theory of translation (meta-translation studies) and provides arguments for this viewpoint. The author concludes that if translation studies are considered as an autonomous scientific discipline then it would be appropriate to identify such a branch, which, in its turn, emphasizes systemic approach to certain disciplinary problems. The study contributes to achieving the overall research objective - to develop a unified conception of the structure and content of translation studies.
Key words and phrases:
метатеория перевода
метаязык перевода
разделы переводоведения
структура переводоведения
состав переводоведения
meta-theory of translation
meta-language of translation
branches of translation studies
structure of translation studies
content of translation studies
the whole article in PDF format. Free PDF-files viewer can be downloaded here.
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