Pan-Art Pedagogy. Theory & Practice Philology. Theory & Practice Manuscript

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ISSUE:    Philology. Theory & Practice. 2017. Issue 11-2
COLLECTION:    Study of Literature

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Guzel' Mrtazovna Ibatullina
Bashkir State University (Branch) in Sterlitamak

Vilena Maratovna Nurieva
Bashkir State University (Branch) in Sterlitamak

Submitted: November 1, 2017
Abstract. The article is devoted to studying the archetypal basis of the image of the protagonist in M. Tsvetaeva’s poem “The Ratcatcher” - a problem that for a long time remains the subject of scientific discussions. The authors come to the conclusion that the traditional Dionysian interpretations of the Ratcather are not exhaustive. More convincing in the figurative-semantic contexts of the poem are the parallels with the mythologeme of Apollo in its most archaic modification. The solar-chthonic features and functions of Apollo, portrayed in ancient mythology as the “driver” of muses, mice and children, “hunter” and “musician”, acquire special significance in the artistic paradigm of “The Ratcatcher”, which reveals more adequate reflection than the Dionysian myth in the imagery-plot system of the work.
Key words and phrases:
М. Цветаева
M. Tsvetaeva
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