Pan-Art Pedagogy. Theory & Practice Philology. Theory & Practice Manuscript

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ISSUE:    Philology. Theory & Practice. 2018. Issue 3-1
COLLECTION:    Linguistics

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Lyudmila Valentinovna Kosonozhkina
Don State Technical University

Submitted: March 1, 2018
Abstract. The article analyzes ellipsis at the phonetic, lexical, syntactical and text stylistic levels. At the phonetic and lexical levels ellipsis manifests itself in the reduction of sounds and words. At the syntactical level the author identifies the English one-member and two-member elliptical sentences in the monologue and in the dialogue. The first ones are classified according to morphological intensity of a core component; in the second group the author identifies elliptical sentences represented by subordinate clauses of complex sentences, elliptical questions with direct word order, elliptical questions with elliptical clauses. Omission also comes out as an elliptical stylistic structure at the text level.
Key words and phrases:
уровни языковой системы
экономия языковых средств
фонетическая редукция звуков
опущение союзов и лексических единиц
эллиптические предложения
одночленные и двучленные
репрезентированные члены предложения
морфологическая выраженность стержневых компонентов
стилистический приём умолчания
levels of language system
economy of linguistic means
phonetic reduction of sounds
omission of conjunctions and lexical units
elliptical sentences
one-member and two-member elliptical sentences
represented sentence members
morphological intensity of core components
stylistic device of omission
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