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Ekaterina Borisovna Zhulina
Saint Petersburg University
May 1, 2018
Sentence with a Participial Construction with Participle I is considered within the holistic approach to the language as a human’s cognitive activity aimed to adapt him to the environment at the moment of speech. Such an approach to the language puts a special emphasis on speech context and the peculiarities of a human’s perception. The author shows that this syntactic construction represents the comparison of two fragments of the same situation: a directly perceived fragment of the situation and the other fragment of the event, which is represented in three ways: the observer’s phenomenological knowledge, the speaker’s structural knowledge and the observer’s previous experience.
Key words and phrases:
биология языка
коммуникативный цейтнот
предложение с причастной конструкцией настоящего времени
Sentence with a Participial Construction with Participle I
biology of language
communicative trouble
the whole article in PDF format. Free PDF-files viewer can be downloaded here.
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