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Yuliya Gennad'evna Khazankovich
M.K. Ammosov North-Eastern Federal University
May 1, 2018
The article studies the “short prose” of the Sami prose writer Nadezhda Bolshakova in the typological, cultural and historical aspects. The material of the book of stories “Bread Crusts” reveals the specific features of the autobiographical narrative as a whole and its ethnic features in the context of the literary and folklore genre traditions of the Sami. In particular, the author reveals connection with folk stories of the Sami (mushtolls), which described the events of the day, as well as a special kind of songs - personal ones. N. Bolshakova’s autobiographical book is a kind of “manifested way of the world attitude”. Through the personal form of the narrative, the writer transmits the main cultural values and purposes of the ethnos. The autobiographical stories of N. Bolshakova are emotional, the surrounding world and people are represented in them through the lenses of the writer’s perception and evaluation.
Key words and phrases:
Н. Большакова
кольские саамы
саамские рассказы
саамская литература
автобиографические рассказы
N. Bolshakova
the Kola Sami
Sami stories
Sami literature
autobiographical stories
the whole article in PDF format. Free PDF-files viewer can be downloaded here.
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