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Galina Al'fredovna Skleinis
North-Eastern State University
June 1, 2018
The article deals with the possibilities of reconstructing a writer’s biography on the basis of literary texts, epistolary and memoir materials. This approach, little studied in the literary aspect, is one of the most topical and productive types of the study of the personality, world outlook and creativity of the artist of the word. A number of interrelated conditions are considered that allow reconstructing effectively a writer’s personality: the low degree of the study of life and creativity, the “non-peak” scale of a writer’s personality, intentional demonstration of views, genre specificity. As an illustration, the author offers specific examples from the creative work of writers of various levels, primarily V. V. Krestovsky and F. M. Dostoevsky.
Key words and phrases:
реконструкция биографии писателя
манифестация взглядов
биографический метод
мемуарная литература
жанровая специфика
reconstruction of writer’s biography
manifestation of views
biographical method
genre specificity
the whole article in PDF format. Free PDF-files viewer can be downloaded here.
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