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Irina Aleksandrovna Biryukova
Moscow State Linguistic University
July 1, 2018
The article examines the features of the fund of the English euphemistic units used in the situations related to the action of prescriptions and taboo of the English-speaking society in matters of human physiology and the intimate sphere of life during the late XVII and the early XX century. All the euphemistic nominations related to the indicated chronological period are grouped according to the corresponding focus ideas (or profiles) in the basis of the nomination of the lexeme semantics. The author identifies and analyzes the most productive ones among the profiles. The study ascertains the relationship between the euphemistic potential of the units and their belonging to a particular profile.
Key words and phrases:
концептуальные структуры
фокус номинации
зоологическая метафора
диахронный аспект
conceptual structures
nomination focus
zoological metaphor
diachronic aspect
the whole article in PDF format. Free PDF-files viewer can be downloaded here.
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