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Anna Aleksandrovna Ryzhenkova
Saint Petersburg
July 1, 2018
The article provides the comparative analysis of A. Dewdney’s books and their Russian translations. The paper summarizes the views on poetical translation, the basic purpose of which is not the rendering of rhyme or intonation of the original text but the creation of a target text that preserves the information content and expressive means of the source text. The comparative analysis indicated that among the analyzed translations the most successful is the translation of the book “Llama Llama Red Pajama”, which is distinguished by completeness, accuracy, clearness, emotionality and expressiveness. Other translations contain semantic mistakes, in many cases the text can’t be understood without a picture and is senseless. The target text is inferior to the original one in emotionality and expressiveness; it is not harmonious due to the lack of rhyme, illiterate phrases, and unsuccessful word-formative experiments. The paper provides a detailed analysis of inadequacies.
Key words and phrases:
сопоставительный анализ
детская зарубежная литература
художественный перевод
поэтический текст
поэтический образ
comparative analysis
foreign children’s literature
literary translation
poetical text
poetical image
the whole article in PDF format. Free PDF-files viewer can be downloaded here.
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