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Yuliya Andreevna Gornostaeva
Siberian Federal University
August 1, 2018
The article analyzes and systematizes an attempt of identifying verbal markers of psychological and cognitive processes in linguistics by the material of domestic and foreign authors’ research. The paper focuses on the methods of verbal markers detection, including the methods of the automatic processing of the natural language. Various terminological variations of the investigated phenomenon are given and the choice of the name “verbal marker” is substantiated. In conclusion, a comprehensive definition of the notion “verbal marker” is formulated.
Key words and phrases:
вербальный маркер
методы обнаружения вербальных маркеров
дискурсивный маркер
лингвистический маркер
просодический маркер
прагматическая частица
verbal marker
methods of verbal markers detection
discourse marker
linguistic marker
prosodic marker
pragmatic particle
the whole article in PDF format. Free PDF-files viewer can be downloaded here.
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