Pan-Art Pedagogy. Theory & Practice Philology. Theory & Practice Manuscript

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ISSUE:    Philology. Theory & Practice. 2018. Issue 9-1
COLLECTION:    Linguistics

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Magomed Abdulkadirovich Magomedov
Institute of Language, Literature and Art named after G. Tsadasa of Dagestan Scientific Centre of the Russian Academy of Sciences

Mesedu Magomedovna Magomedova
Institute of Language, Literature and Art named after G. Tsadasa of Dagestan Scientific Centre of the Russian Academy of Sciences

Submitted: September 1, 2018
Abstract. In the article, the problems of the dialect division of the modern Avar language are considered, the range of its distribution is specified and the issues that need further study are noted. The entire dialect system of the Avar language is divided into two completely different dialect formations: the northern and southern patois. The northern dialect includes the Khunzakh, Eastern and Salatav patois and is the basis of the literary Avar language. In the Eastern and especially the Khunzakh dialects, there are quite significant differences from the Avar literary language, not only at the level of phonetics, but also morphology. The southern dialect has seven strongly differing patois: Antsukh, Qarakh, Hid, Andalal, Batlukh, Zaqatal and Kusur.
Key words and phrases:
кавказские языки
аварский язык
диалектное членение
территория распространения
Caucasian languages
Avar language
dialect division
territory of distribution
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