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Tat'yana L'vovna Aleksandrova
St. Tikhon’s Orthodox University
October 1, 2018
The article for the first time analyzes the reception of the monument of the Hebrew-Christian literature, “The Sibylline Oracles”, in Empress Eudoxia’s poetry (the V century A.D.). The author concludes that the traces of “The Sibylline Oracles” influence are visible in the poem “The Life of Cyprian and Justina” at the level of the epic formula borrowing. The metric peculiarities of the poem (prevalence of male caesura) are seemingly conditioned by “The Sibylline Oracles” influence. In other Eudoxia’s work, Homeric Cento (the first version), the prologue is a paraphrase of the prologue to “The Sibylline Oracles”. Eudoxia’s appeal to this monument is possibly motivated by the role of a “Christian prophetess”, which she adopted in her poetry.
Key words and phrases:
императрица Евдокия
поэма «О св. Киприане»
Гомеровский центон
«Книги Сивилл»
позднеантичная литература
византийская литература
Empress Eudoxia
poem “The Life of Cyprian and Justina”
Homeric Cento
“The Sibylline Oracles”
late ancient literature
Byzantine literature
the whole article in PDF format. Free PDF-files viewer can be downloaded here.
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