Pan-Art Pedagogy. Theory & Practice Philology. Theory & Practice Manuscript

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ISSUE:    Philology. Theory & Practice. 2018. Issue 10-1
COLLECTION:    Linguistics

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Il'seyar Maskhutovna Gabdulkhakova
Kazan State Agrarian University

Nailya Khabibrakhmanovna Sharypova
Kazan State Agrarian University

Submitted: October 1, 2018
Abstract. The article is devoted to the comparative study of the Russian translation of A. Eniki’s story “Nochnaya kapel'” (“Night Drops”) with the original in order to determine their literary quality in the aspect of conveying phraseological means. Currently, the problem of the comparative study of phraseological units is in the focus of attention of the Russian and foreign linguists, which conditions its topicality. As a result of the analysis of the phraseological units, it is found that the translator uses all the known methods of translation. It is concluded that the quality of translation is conditioned by the creative abilities of the translator. Both general and specific features in semantics and structure of set expressions of the Tatar and Russian languages are revealed.
Key words and phrases:
разноструктурные языки
общие и отличительные черты
русский и татарский языки
фразеологические единицы
национальное своеобразие
languages of different structure
common and distinctive features
Russian and Tatar languages
phraseological units
national identity
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