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Ivan Vadimovich Grigor'ev
Saint Petersburg University
November 1, 2018
The article provides the linguistic and rhetorical analysis of the mistakes made by medical students in the English abstracts. For the first time the academic abstract texts created by the native speakers of Russian are introduced into the paradigm of the academic genre study. The analysis has allowed the author to classify the students’ mistakes into groups according to their statistical value: lexico-grammatical, syntactical, stylistic and structural ones. The research findings can be used when compiling subject-oriented courses on academic English writing.
Key words and phrases:
прикладная лингвистика
жанры академического письма
синтаксическая сложность
риторические нарушения
статистическое ранжирование
applied linguistics
academic writing genres
syntactical difficulty
rhetorical mistakes
statistical ranking
the whole article in PDF format. Free PDF-files viewer can be downloaded here.
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