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Natal’ya Valer’evna Dutova
Novosibirsk Military Institute named after General of the Army I. K. Yakovlev of National Guard Troops of the Russian Federation
December 28, 2018
The article considers the issues of the strategic communicative behaviour of the representatives of the Russian, English and Chinese cultures. The purpose of the study is to analyse communicative strategies and tactics and their verbal and non-verbal realization in the aspect of the culturological parameter “distance of power” in the interaction of asymmetric communicants. The author concludes that the communicative behaviour of interlocutors obeys the rules of power distribution in the society. The high index of the distance of power in culture leads to the frequent use of the strategy of dominance in the pair “superior - inferior”. The high frequency of the cooperation strategy implementation is associated with the low index of the distance of power in culture.
Key words and phrases:
дистанция власти
коммуникативные стратегии и тактики
вербальные и невербальные средства
русская, английская, китайская культуры
социальная иерархия
distance of power
communicative strategies and tactics
verbal and non-verbal means
Russian, English, Chinese cultures
social hierarchy
the superior
the inferior
the whole article in PDF format. Free PDF-files viewer can be downloaded here.
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